Wednesday, June 17, 2009

... while hanging out at the pool.

 I always cary something to sketch with. One of my favorite go packs consists of 3 grey markers and a spiral bound pack of 3x5 index cards. I can be found all around town looking for a good composition. Here is a recent 3x5 marker drawing that I did while hanging out at the pool.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

a random page from my sketchbook...

 Here is a random page from one of my sketchbooks. These critters sprang from my imagination while hanging out with some friends in a local coffee shop one night.

digital matte painting

Here is a fantasy landscape done in a different way, a digital matte painting created in photoshop.

... one cold winter morning

I love to sketch the "green belt" trails here in Austin using grey felt tip markers. This was drawn on location one cold winter morning.


 Here is another original character drawn from my imagination, This one is was painted from scratch on my Intuis tablet using both Photoshop and Painter.

pencil + paper + imagination

 Here is another original character design. This illustration was drawn without reference on bristol paper using a mechanical pencil and my imagination.

10 minute digital life drawing.

... another 30 minute Life Drawing.